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Power supply unit EMIS-BRIZ 250

Power supply unit EMIS-BRIZ 250 are used for power supply of automatic equipment in production process, control and measuring equipment, electromagnetic drivers and other loads with current consumption up to 2.5 A.
- Product description
Pulse power supply unit EMIS-BRIZ 250 is used to convert electric line voltage 220 V, 50 Hz to stable direct current output voltage. Power supply units are used for power supply of automatic equipment in production process, control equipment of technical process, control and measuring equipment, electromagnetic drivers, blowers, programmed controllers and other loads of direct current.
Features & Benefits
- Built-in diagram of “soft” start with inrush current limit, power supply filter, which reduces noise level to required limits of power supply;
- Melted input safety switch, which protects from internal problems in power unit;
- Overload and short circuit protection on the output, overheat protection;
- Wide operating temperature range (-40 up to +55).