Customer reviews

Under the Contract the operational test of mass flowmeter EMIS-MASS 260 was performed on the methanol metering unit supplied from the methanol depot UESP on UKPG-14 GPU.
- Accompanying documents entry control was performed. The equipment answers the manufacturer's performance ratings confirmed by the data sheet, the certificate of conformance Russian RU GB06.V01263, the permission for EX equipment application. The equipment has the type approval certificate and is entered on the State register of measuring equipment;
- The flowmeter was tested in the lab with the following primary standards: Brooks compact prover of the first order of accuracy and flow densitometer Solartron 7835B, with accuracy 0,03%. The laboratory tests have specified that the equipment corresponds to the manufacturer's performance ratings: the limits of the basic relative measurement error of the mass flow and mass is no more than +-0,5% (in the preferred flow range from 1.5 ton/hour to 32.0 ton/hour);
- The mass flowmeter has confirmed all manufacturer's performance ratings in field tests.
The device advantages are the easy-to-read characters of the four-line OLED display, user-friendly interface with Russian menu, effective design of control display mode buttons. Also it is worth noting that CJSC EMIS experts supported distantly throughout all pilot development terms.