Customer reviews

EMIS-MERA 300-030 manufactured by EMIS CJSC was provided for trial operation at the field.
- Estimate provided EMIS equipment quality of manufacture;
- Check metrological and operational parameters of the counter EMIS-MERA 300-030;
- Evaluate design reliability.
- The flowmeter provided for the trial comply with the project requirements and method;
- Данный образец прошел испытания и обеспечил замер дебита жидкости в диапазоне 5,7 м3/сут. - 16 м3/сут.;
- ЭМИС-МЕРА 300 обеспечивает прямое измерение жидкости с возможность архивации;
- The sample has passed the test and provided liquid rate metering in the range of 5.7 cbm/day – 16cbm/day;
- EMIS-MERA 300 perform direct measurement of liquid with the possibility of data recording;
- EMIS-MERA has the following output signals: pulse output, frequency output, analog rated signal output 4-20mA compatible with HART; digital interfaces: UART, CAN-Bus, EIA/TIA-485 (RS-485) compatible with Modbus, IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet), USB data communication to ensure data transmission to the automated remote control systems;
- Metrological parameters comply with the requirements and ones declared in the data sheet;
- Operational documentation was provided in full;
- No failure was detected during the trial period;
Based on the foregoing and satisfactory results obtained during the the pilot test, we recommend further implementation of the flowmeters manufactured by EMIS CJSC in the design of measuring units.